
Praying Together will take your relationship to a whole new place!

Have you ever felt there just isn’t enough of you to go around.  In chapter 5 which I entitled, “The Perfect Storm” I was feeling so guilty. We had purchased a house that I was renovating and I was having to spend many nights down the street at the project house working. Beth was experiencing awful insomnia and lethargy related to the health storm she was in. On top of that my 88 year old father-in-law had just moved in with us.  I just didn’t have enough time to support Beth and Dad and work on the project house.

Our Fight Club men’s ministry gave us an assignment to pray with our wife.  Over the first 35 years of our marriage we on occasion prayed together, but the busyness of  five kids was our excuse for not doing it regularly.  I decided to ask Beth to pray together and I asked her to start.  The first thing out of her mouth was, “Please God forgive me that I have not been able to go over to the house and help Rod more!”  Wow we had both been feeling guilty.  Praying together let us realize that we were both doing exactly what God wanted for us to do.  Neither of us had a reason to feel guilty.  For the next almost 5 years we prayed together almost every day.

Take the time to pray together!  You will grow closer in a way you never could have imagined!

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